standardized test measures a person's abilities. Cheating on a test not only
challenges the social equality, but also seriously interferes the quality of a
on the status quo and tendency of cheating on a standardized test, this book
makes a systematic organization and analysis on the categories and
characteristics of cheating on a standardized test. It interprets and
systematically introduces the theories and methods of cheating on a
standardized test both in China and abroad, explores the issues related to the
identification of cheating on a standardized test. Combining the theories and
methods for the identification of cheating on a test, it also writes programs
to make the simulating operation and factual data test. It hopes to explore
scientific and practical methods for the identification of cheating on a test
for the Chinese testing field, putting forward constructive ideas and
strategies for improving test management and preventing cheating on a test, and
making contributions for keeping the scientificness and fairness of a test.
Mr. Peng Hengli, born in Weinan of Shaanxi
Province, works as a Deputy Director, Associate Research Fellow, and supervisor
of master students. He is also a member of the MHK Expert Committee, an
enrollment management expert of National Civil Service Examination, Director of
the Educational Statistics and Measurement Sub-Commission of the Chinese
Society of Education, and Director of Research Association of Bilingual
Education for Chinese Minorities. He studies in the fields of MHK, examination
security, the quality control for the assessment of subjective questions, the
computerized oral tests and studies on scoring, etc.
Mr. Kong Xiang, born in Jining of Shandong
Province, works as an Assistant Research Fellow and supervisor of doctor and master students at
the Chinese Test and Education Assessment Institute, Language Academy of
Sciences, Beijing Language and Culture University. He is also a member of the
Educational Statistics and Measurement Sub-Commission of the Chinese Society of
Education, a performance evaluation expert of Occupational Skill Testing
Authority, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. He studies in the
fields of examination security, question bank construction, adaptive tests and
proposition management, etc.
1. It is scientific and practical. Taking
a scientific and realistic attitude, it introduces the theories and methods for
the identification of cheating on a standardized test both in China and the
rest of the world. It also puts forward constructive ideas and strategies for
examination boards to improve the examination management and prevent cheating
on a test.
2. It is objective. It makes an objective
analysis of the status quo and tendency of cheating on a standardized test, interprets
and introduces the relevant theories and methods both in China and abroad. Besides this, it makes an objective evaluation of the
advantages and disadvantages of this method;
3. It is accurate, detailed, and easy to
understand. In the introduction to methods and comparative analyses, it
attempts to ensure the accuracy and detailedness of the data calculation and
sample verification. In the introduction to methods, there are some formulas
and charts, which are described in simple and concise words.