This book marks the first publication of a manuscript left by Sheng Cheng, a well-known scholar in China, after being kept for 70 years in different places. During the Anti-Japanese War, Sheng Cheng, as the war correspondent of the 31st division in the Kuomintang Party, came to the battle field in person and gave a detailed account of the conditions of the war, the relations between the army and the people and everything else that he had seen and heard, which later became valuable historical materials. Meanwhile, as a poet and writer who had won the Legion of Honor of France, Sheng Cheng shows strong passion and great talent in this book, making it a precious epic of the Anti-Japanese War. The book is divided into three parts: 1. the report of rewards in Xuzhou, encompassing what the author saw and heard during his visit to the sodiers on behalf of the anti-Japanese society of the national literary and art circles, his experiences in the above-mentioned society and some relavant documents; 2. the bloody Tai’er’zhuang Battle, in which the author recorded the events and various statistics of each day during the battle; 3. news reports of the front line, including the series of news reports related to the battle which the author had written as a war correspondent.
After 70 years of storage, the manuscript is published for the first time, presenting firsthand details on the Tai’er’zhuang Battle, valuable documents of the anti-Japanese acitivities in various circles and quite a number of precious historical photos and scripts.